The Brands Of General Cigar


General Cigar might be the most iconic name in cigar manufacturing today. With more than 21 different brands on offer they might be the most prolific manufacturer as well. Famous for the innovation and attention to detail their market share makes them a great choice for cigar enthusiasts of any level. Understanding their brands and help you choose from among their vast stock for the highest level of enjoyment.

The first brand for General Cigar is the Bolivar brand. These cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic and compete with the Cuban brand of the same name. Currently the brand only offers three cigars that are filled with a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco.

Brisio is the next brand for offer from General Cigar currently. Brisio is a brand with two cigars that prides itself on being aged to perfection. They feature a blend of four different tobaccos and have a subtle yet mild flavor.

CAO is the most prolific brand produced by General Cigar. With 30 different cigars currently on offer and more in the past and future this is the Pandora’s box brand for General Cigar. Most of the cigars feature bold and exciting blends with robust tastes.

Cohiba is another brand that compete with Cuban cigars of similar name. This collection has seven different offerings all with a spicy flavor. Most of the cigars feature a Dominican filler with some containing Nicaraguan tobacco.

Excalibur brand is a luxury Honduran brand. Often voted among the best Honduran cigars this brand offers a creamy aroma and superior craftsmanship. With three different offerings Excalibur manages to cover the spectrum from rich and dark to complex and long lasting.

Foundry is General Cigar’s most innovative brand to date. This cigar contains a proprietary blend of five different tobaccos sourced from four different countries. The wrapper is aged for 8 years and the smoking experience can only be explained as unique and layered. They also feature a steam-punk inspired box and metal gear on the cigar band making them stand out from all other cigars.

Hoyo de Monterrey is one of the more flavorful brands produced by General Cigars. Each of the four offerings features a distinctive smoking experience. This line includes a dark Sumatran and a now-retired cedar aged cigar.

La Gloria Cubana is another prolific brand from this company. With 14 different offerings they run the gambit of both fillers and wrappers. This is the General Cigars brand most likely to have an exclusive deal with high quality smoke shops. Famous for being spicy and robust this brand can be hard to acquire of but very worth the experience.

With 10 offerings the Macanudo brand offers a good variety for new and old smokers alike. Most of the cigars in this line have a light flavor and wrapper. However several are available in a darker wrapper making for a more complex smoke.

Partagás is a sister brand to the Macanudo label. Both of these brands are produced in the same factories for a consistent level of craftsmanship. Partagás cigars are rich and spicy and boast of traditional origins. They are often preferred by cigar enthusiasts for their attention to detail and pleasant smoking experience.

Punch is one of the older Honduran cigar brands. Because of this they have a following among seasoned smokers. Packing a punch reminiscent of their name this brand is flavorful and bold even boosting a large ring cigar known as the “Magnum.” Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider have both rated these cigars above a 90 giving them a rating you can trust. This brand is often heralded as everything a Honduran cigar should be.

Sancho Panza is a brand that routinely scores well with Cigar Insider. These square pressed beautiful cigars are sure to satisfy almost any cigar lover. Despite cigars in this line achieving a 93 rating they are still some of the most affordable cigars from General Cigar. They smoke like cigars of much higher value and give off a feeling of good construction and attention to detail.

With all of these brands on offer General Cigars truly has a smoke for everyone. No stranger to high ratings General Cigar has a commitment to quality that can be seen throughout their storied history.

Photo Credit: Faint Sanity via